It’s been a min since I’ve blogged so there are a much of
random, yet somewhat related thoughts. I’mma try to keep in one to a paragraph,
but we’ll see how that goes.
I was talking to the Sperm Lady a while ago and she was
explaining to me why a Joe Bob that aint really doing nothing with his life is
more likely to get laid than a well qualified good man. This was her reasoning:
If things get messed up with Joe Bob, it’s no big deal. He wasn’t really worth
nothing to begin with so if things go south it’s really no sweat off her back
and she probably wasn’t emotionally attached anyway. Now with Mr. Good she’s
got to be a little bit more careful. Got to play things out right. Got to worry
about not messing up a good thing. I had to agree. She said with them she sees
next mouth, with a dude like me she sees longevity, marriage potential. Her
reasoning makes sence and in fact I think I have played by the rules as well. I
am much more likely to have a short attention span and get annoyed with someone
I know I don’t see a future with. And on the other hand I’ll put up with a lot
more from someone I think is worth the effort. But what happens when the plan
back fires and we get attached to someone who was only supposed to be a Miss
Right now? (Next topic)
I was reading a friends blog and she was saying how the
reason the divorce rate is so high that people are getting the Now’s confused
with Right’s. Got to agree with her too. I have had to put myself in check a
few times about this. Been people I was talking to and when the fun came to an
end I started to try to fight the “breakup.” (for lack of a better word when
two people stop talking) Then after a lot of thought I again came to the
conclusion that they were not meant to remain in my life. They were not what I
was looking for in a mate and a continued relationship with them was simply a
waste of time. I wrote a piece called “To My Better Whole” which basically
describes what I want but have yet to find. In the absence of this likely
mythical woman I have been dating and talking to these “halves” that have been
taking up my time and emotion, while the “wholes” that I have came across brush
me off. In fact 2/3 of the last few girls (halves and wholes) I really wanted
are now engaged. (Next topic)
Yeah engaged. When I look back and think how attached I was
back then and realize how non-attached I am now it is almost amazing. And it’s
funny to wonder that if I had stuck it out instead of giving up on the
situation could/would that have been me on bended knee. Wow, scary to think
about but daily I think about it more and more. I see people and their children
and think “I’m going to be a dad one day.” I see all the people I know getting
in serious relationships, getting engaged, and getting married, and think that
“I’m going to actually be in love with someone to the point where I am going to
be ready to spend the rest of my life when them.” But yeah, it’s still scary.
School is getting old, dating is starting to get old too… not to long before
I’m ready to move on. The most ironic thing is that both girls are engaged to
the very next person (at least to my knowledge) that they were seriously
talking to, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m 3/3 within the next year and a
half to 2 years. Talk about a curse.
So I was having dinner with a few friends the other day. 2 guys/ 2 girls so
of course we got on the topic of relationships. Out of a the random comments,
questions, and excuses for why each sex does different things I posed the
question: “When is it time to get into a relationship? When u like, love, or in
love with the other person?” (Before I continue I think I need to clarify some
terminology. I think “like” to most people is what I call interested. Meaning I
think their cool and worth getting to know better. I guess a “strong like” would be what I refer
to as just liking someone and the last two are the same in either case.) All
three people responded that they get in when they are at the “like” stage. And
then the love and being in love would hopefully follow. That’s odd to me. I
couldn’t be in a relationship with someone I was only interested in. I need to
see what they’re about, know that this is someone I could stand and possibly
marry. I mean I got to like them enough to want to give up all the unknown
possibilities that are out there. Otherwise my eyes would still be wondering
while in the relationship. Hmm, maybe this is why I’ve only have 3 girlfriends.
Oh well, I’m not giving you that title if I don’t think (at least at the
moment) that you’ll go the distance.
Another topic we hit was cheating. I was dumbfounded to hear
that one of the chics would rather not know if her man cheated on her. Her
reasoning was that if it was a one time thing, an accident and he was sorry and
didn’t intend on doing it again she doesn’t want to know because that is going
to ruin the relationship for her. True, good point. But what if it still makes
its way back to her. Would she not be more upset that he cheated and lied?
Double edged sword. He/she might possibly get away with it if they don’t tell.
But if they don’t tell and get caught it’s even worth. Sounds to me like we’re
all better off not cheating? I think about a day later I asked someone else.
They said they’d want to know. At least then she has the confidence in her man
to admit his wrongs and try to work through them. Hmm, I see her point too.
Hopefully I hope I never have to deal with a cheating girlfriend.
You ever woke up and just had a frown for no reason? I had
one this morning but I was sitting in church and it slowly faded. I was
pleased. I have been a church every Sunday this year. Trying to get myself
together and with all the people dying from everything under the sun I think
it’s best that I do so. I have been praying. Praying that I can forgive the
people who have wronged me, that the people I have wrong will forgive me, that I
will have strength to deal with the things that come my way. I believe that
these things are what make us who were are (next topic).
All the things that I have been through and all that I have
learned to control and deal with have shaped who I am today. I’ve been teased,
talked about, rejected, done wrong, lied on, ostracized, abused, misused, taken
advantage of, and managed to take all of this in stride. Without any real type
if retaliation. It’s said that you won’t be given more than you can handle that
that what does not kill you makes you stronger. If both these statements are
true then I have handled a lot to the point where I don’t think I’d handle too
much more, and I have become a strong person. But why? All of this most have a
purpose; kind of seems like it should be training for some greater good. And if
that’s the case then I must have something serious lying ahead of me.