I rarely dream...well, I rarely remember
So it's morning time and I am running late
for class, a literature class at that (which I hadn't taken since high
school.) I was late because I could
decide what to wear (odd) and I didn't care about being late because I was just
sitting in the class and I didn't like the book. (So why was I in the class in
the first place?) So this outfit I was tryin to figure out. Get this. It was a
red, turquoise, and yellow shirt and some silver shoes with yellow and
turquoise in them and I was tryin to decide whether I should wear jeans with or
without a read stripe.
I had on the ones with the stripe and my
mom said I should wear the other ones. She was like "let's go to the
movies" so I just took the pants wit me and we went to the theater. We are
sitting in the movies and random friends that I hadn't talked to in a min start
blowing up my phone and I remember thinking "how is their name showing up,
I lost all the numbers out of my old phone?" So I am sitting in the
theater and decide to change my jeans. As I am pulling up the new jeans this
man next to me (I am sitting on the end, he is right next to me, don't know
where mom is) drops these two key rings on the floor. I reach out in the aisle
(pants half up my thigh) and pick up the key rings, so of course I hear
snickers from people seeing me bent over wit my pants down (weird). I had the
man his stuff and he drops one of them again….I leave that shit down there.
So I am not really paying attention to the
movie and then the lights come on and lil kids are running all over the place
screaming. I decide this is a good opportunity to get free movie passes since
this one got ruined. Somehow I communicate this to mom (telepathy maybe?) and I
walk out the theater. I walk pass the counter and the line is too long so I
look for mom then remember I left my jeans in my seat. I walk back in to get
them and one my frat brothers is at the seat looking at the jeans. He asks me
"you just get finish fucking?"
"Hell no."
"Why not?" – typical response
from this dude.
I go back out to find mom, but I can't…the
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