Thursday, December 21, 2006


It’s 2:23 and I still can’t sleep,
Due to some real “bitch shit” that cut me real deep
Cuz today I realized I got some hate in my heart
Because he sought to discredit me right from the start
I knew day 1 this shit wasn’t right,
Cuz all he wanted was to visit in the night,
I said I like her, he said “nigga, I’m just trying to cut”
I wanted her heart, he just wanted to fuck.
So about a month later, thought I’d lost the war,
Took a vow of silence, figure “what we need to talk for?”
So I packed up my stuff and headed out of state
Thought that if it was meant to be, it’d happen at a later date.

Now thought the summer, and though that year
Few words left my mouth and reached her ear
A long time pasted before we spoke any words,
Be he lied on me and I heard the absurd.
That I was the one, trying to screw up his game
When really dissin my name was his claim to fame.
Said I had hated on him in a 4 page letter,
But if I wanted to hate, I could have done it much better
Cuz we both know I know got some shit to bring the world down,
But karma’s a bitch; he’ll get his next round.

Sometimes karma works too slow, and aint to fair
So I’mma put  some dirty laundry in the air.
Remember that time she stormed in and up the stairs
And we all played like he wasn’t there?
But the truth is that there was a girl in the room
So when she came, the girl had to cum real soon
And he played it cool like wasn’t nothing wrong
And that was a sign of some shit that went on way too long

And now he got is new lil girl
And prolly tells her she means the word
But does she know that the day before she was the one
He was fucking at least two others just for fun?
Now he be talking about making her his wife
But it aint fair to put her through that strife
Cuz he talk about marriage and he talk about freaking
Talk about fuckin these hoes – he talking about cheating!
Talk about lust and love in the same breath
She need to talk about getting his shit from the left

Over 12 months of silence, you talking stay in my lane
And a four-page letter? That shit’s insane!
So why spread shit that’s just untrue?
And everyone believed it because it came from you.
So did it make you feel big to bring me down?
Suffering from an inferiority complex when I was around?
Smiling to my face, like it was all cool.
But spread some lies and broke the rules.
False the bonds born of our fraternity,
But I tried to subdue the anger, the A.N.I.M.O.S.I.T.Y.
Because we survived the search and destroy mission
But Anger Never Impedes More Opposition,
So Investigate the Y.

And leave lying goes to die. 

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