I’ve been a supervisor for a short 8 months, and I just went
through my first performance review with each member of my team. Fortunately I
have a great group everything went smooth. But what if it hadn’t? What if there
was some issue I needed to address with a member? At work, is mostly business
but in the real world, friendships and relationships can be devastated by
unresolved issues.
I’m naturally passive aggressive – so I’m generally pretty
easy going, let allot of things slide and just pick my battles when necessary.
But I’ve also been guilty of letting things fester and build up so that when I
do address the issue it’s a full blown explosion
instead of simmer. And here’s the added bonus, as man you’re often labeled a sensitive
or moody when you bring up an issue. We’re supposedly not supposed to care, feel or be bothered. Just “man up.” That is not healthy and we need to stop
teaching young men that. The things that bother us need to be addressed. How we
feel needs to be heard. That
unresolved issue adds stress to your life and stress kills.
As a supervisor, the official performance review shouldn’t
be the first time an employee hears about a problem in their performance. The
same holds true in our daily lives. It’s better to talk through an issue after
it happens than to let it build and let an explosion come out of nowhere. Yes,
the other person may be defensive but a conversation
allows both parties to be heard. Plus, they may not even know that there’s an
issue until you tell them. It may be a complete misunderstanding and easily
fixed. However, an argument, especially one seeded from an explosion is not
going to do much but piss the other person off.
The only way to deal with the issue is to talk, I mean real
communication. A conversation where both people are able to be truly heard and
allowed to get stuff off their chest… not the kind of conversation where all
you do is think of your next clap back. Don’t
discredit how they feel by talking
over them or saying why they shouldn’t
feel the way they do. It’s their feelings. Let them feel! The need to
understand how the issue makes you feel
and you should understand why they do
what they do. Even if the issue doesn’t get resolved, a little understanding of
the situation will go a long way. You should offer constructive feedback,
solutions, and help. Not judgement!
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