Whether it’s in your daily life, or your personal
relationships the rule about conflicts is the same: address them as quickly as
possible!!! There is no time to waste. It will not work itself out. It will not
get smaller. Deal with it… now!
The longer the issues sits out there unaddressed, the worse
it will be for everyone involved. The things that should have been easy to deal
with will snowball completely out of control. In the absence of facts, people
will start to tell themselves stories. And not just any stories… worst case
stories. People will begin to act as if these stories are facts. Tempers will
rise and attitudes will fare. Without being addressed, the situation will get
Most conflicts will result from poor or lack of
communication. The things that should have been asked or discussed but we
ignored instead. The feelings we had but didn’t express. The questions that we
did ask, but weren’t answered. The things we thought we knew, but had the wrong
idea. We assumed when we should have had explanations. We filled in the blanks
with our imagination and start to treat people based on these alternative facts.
Have the courage to
address the conflict. It will suck. It will be a tough conversation, otherwise
it wouldn’t be a conflict. Here’s the catch…it will be better addressed quickly
then after it festers. Now is better! Do not text or email. Pick up the phone
or talk face to face. Leave no room for additional miscommunication and deal
with the issue head on.