Friday, March 3, 2017

Part 4A. How Not to Suck at… Focus (in Life)

Never lose focus 

Never, lose focus

Never lose, focus

Never lose - Focus!

It’s so easy to lose sight of what’s really important long term. Even worse it may not even be for gain… just instant gratification with nothing to show for it! What we need is FOCUS. Not that getting something in the short term is bad, but we can’t allow that to derail us from what’s really important. Thee definitely needs to be a healthy balance between now and later, but if it’s going to significantly deter from the end goal, is it even worth it?

All that other stuff is distraction. Seems legit for the moment. Makes us happy in that instant, but what’s left when all the hype is gone? Are we any better off than we started? Did the distraction even serve its purpose? No? Then we need to create and maintain focus. That means we have to first find the things that are really important, then make those a priority and stick to them. Do not change the planl! Don’t take your eyes of the prize. Continually hanging the plan – changing what we think is important - is the very definition of a lack of focus.

A.                 …In life

In life, that focus should be on our goals. Where do we want to be in 1, 5, 10, or 20 years? New job? Bigger house? Happier lifestyle? Better credit? Sweeter ride? If you don’t know already, now is the time to decide. Things generally don’t happen by accident. Most of us aren’t fortunate to have the perfect life dropped in our laps. We have to play an active role in making our dreams come true.

My plan, my goal (one of them) is to be able retire decently early (early 50’s). For that to happen I know I need to know what I would need to retire on and have some cash tucked away gaining interest. That’s the goal. That’s what’s really important to me. I hate to see people who worked all their lives and have little to show for it. People who have to work into their 60’s and 70’s. People who are still living check to check even though they put in 30+ years at the same company.

I’ve created my focus. I know my goal – early retirement. How do I maintain that focus? Each pay check, after I pay God and my bills, I pay future me. Yes, I could use that money to buy things for now. Food, better car, bigger house, jewelry, clothes, the newest gadget, VIP lounges; and bigger and better vacations. I would LOVE to do all of those things…and I do all of those things to a smaller degree. My car is good. My house is big enough. I travel several times a year. I have and do enough now to keep me happy, but I don’t trade that for what I want long term.

Future me gets a cut of my check before I do anything extra – unnecessary expenditures. I put his money in places that gain interest. Future me is very patient and we both understand that compounding interest on an investment is the gift that keeps giving. True be told, I could do better about current multiple streams of income and investment opportunities; but I am definitely doing enough to keep me on track to an early retirement.

This is how I’ve been able to stay on track with my focus:
  • Decide what’s important – You already know something about your life that you really want to change. Decide that will be you focus, your goal.
  • Determine how to accomplish it – Make a plan. Doesn’t need to be elaborate. Just something to get you headed in the right direction.
  • Surround yourself with those who support your goal – My friends have similar goals. We encourage and support each other.
  • Eliminate (at least minimize) unnecessary activities – Have fun, live now but realize and maintain a level of focus on the future.
  • Stay consistent! – Otherwise future you isn’t going to be happy. 

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder and motivation to stay Focused!! Thanks!
