Monday, March 3, 2014

Son of God

I started this post over a year ago and never finished it. I'm posting it in its unfinished form with the original date.


I went to see Son of God opening weekend. I don't claim to be the most studied Christian, in fact I'm learning more about God, the Bible, and my relationship with God everyday.  There are certain aspects of the movie that bothered me. I could be incorrect in something I'm about to say, so I welcome comments and corrections - I thrive on learning and personal development. On the surface the movie was good. No denying that; however, I question the accuracy and interpretation of the Bible for the big screen. Here are a few things that caught my attention:

1.      The Purpose of the Messiah - the opening scenes of the movie explain how the people need and messiah and a savior to free them from Roman rule. WHAT!?!? I thought Jesus was born in the flesh to save us from our inherent sinful nature and that was His purpose. John 3:16-17 states "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:16 is one of the most popular scriptures, how did Hollywood get this wrong?!

2.      Jesus is Still White - most of the supporting characters were obviously of middle eastern decent, or at least appeared that way. But the character of Jesus was clearly European and straight pearly white teeth. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea. Judea is currently know as the West Bank - a landlocked territory near the Mediterranean coast of Western Asia, forming the bulk of the Palestinian territories. In other words, no where near Europe. Jesus is portrayed by Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado. Can Hollywood let Jesus be non-white? Please?

No Mention of the Resurrection - Jesus predicts his betrayal and death, but I don't remember a mention of his resurrection 


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