Friday, October 27, 2006

1,000 Miles Back and the Next 5 Yrs

It took five years and a thousand miles to get where we are,
We learned to drive, I bought a car,
We turned 21, we learned to drink at the bar, and
We went from T-shirts to Polos, from sweat pants to low-lows,
From childish games, to the game of life,
Thinking about fathering children, to you being a wife,
From thinking we was grown, to knowing it was breathing down our necks,
And trying to figure out what in life comes next,
From out of nowhere, to a place where everyone knows your name,
From a private life to a lot of unwanted fame,
From speaking in passing, to passing to speak,
From not speaking at all, to speaking ‘bout everyday of the week,
From drunk on my doorstep, to crunk in the club,
From being flat broke, to wasting a dub, and
You taught me to stop caring about the outsiders looking in,
Because to play the game, gotta play to win,
And now 5yrs and 1,000 miles later, farther away but closer than ever
Had our bad times and good times, but we’ve stood through rough weather,
Been there through boyfriends and girlfriends and significant others
Been as far as a stranger, but as close as a brother, and
It took us 5yrs and 1000 miles to bring our souls close,
And if it goes no further we’re still closer than most,
So right here and now I want to say cheers,

To 1000 miles back, and the next 5 years.

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